We finished the Blue Series Books! I listed the print version here with a 20% discount for an early holiday sale.
Later, there will be a cheaper digital download version, too. The files are huge, so we are trying to figure out how to get that listing to work.
The Blue Series follows the Pink Series work in the Montessori setup.
As you can see, the Blue Series includes consonant combinations such as “sh” and “ch” where the two consonants change sound, plus consonants next to each other where the sounds do not change. The Green Series covers the variety of long vowel sounds.
Remember, there is no such thing as “sight” words! This unfortunate theory from the early 1900s keeps popping up online for sale. Just ignore it. The students who use this concept end up delayed by years!
Here is an earlier discussion of the Pink Series and reading mistakes to avoid.
The trick thing about selecting Blue Series words is that silent letters and all the long vowel words must be avoided. This is key to remember if you are DIYing it at home.
Frass!! I like how all the words are accessible and not trivial. They are concrete enough for the child to be able to focus on reading and some of them have enough of a stretch to engage the brain. Like frass. Or Franklin. Or even sled if you live in a warm area.