I can’t believe Amanda at LittleSparkCompany made all 200+ flags of the world! And three-part cards at that. It’s so much work.
Huge thanks to all of my parents out there who said they will wait for us to finish our blue and green series writing work! I had to tell you that we will not be making these flags any time soon.
For the fonts, use the print option because the D’Nealian cursive is not as good as the European cursive that Dr. Montessori used (no fault of Amanda’s because AMI and Nienhuis went with D’Nealian for long ago squabbles over commission payments).
Normally we prefer the cloth flags, but it is a lot of work (or money) for a classroom at home. The cloth flags are nice because there is nothing like a real flag that moves around, so your children can select a few flags to make as art projects.
If you are thinking about splurging for your home classroom, I like the premium wood Sensorial equipment at Allison’s Montessori. The geometric shapes cabinet is particularly nice. Another expensive item is the Montessori bell set, but it MUST be in tune with accurate notes — most sellers will not tell you, but almost none of the bells are created to be accurate, which makes them worse than worthless. I’ll be posting some alternatives shortly. A pair of xylophones is good.
Please do let Amanda know you found her via my blog. I won’t get anything, but it would be nice for her to know.
And she has all those food and animal cards too! Flags are nice since the picture is the thing.
Ack! I see AMI added some free ones since I last looked.